Fall Back Into You Retreat Resources


Day 1 - reduce

”All the Space Between” by Sonotropic (shared with permission)

Lyrics can be found here.

(Fun fact: A line in this song inspired the name of this retreat.)


Day 4 - Bodyfulness

Here is a gentle Yoga practice that is great for the early morning or a nice evening wind-down, but can be practiced any time of day.

*As always, please listen to your body. Don’t do anything your body asks you not to do. Tune into your inner wisdom. And remember it’s always wise to consult with your trusted healthcare professionals before starting a new physical practice of any kind.


Day 8 - Alignment

Below are resources that will help you determine your dominant dosha(s) and eat more in alignment with your body type for increased wellbeing.


Day 9 - Shedding

Click here for the PDF with instructions on how to conduct your personal burn ceremony. Please read it fully before doing your burn ceremony.