The Universal Human Rights Logo

Found this great post by beingblog. This is timely and very thought-provoking. The concept of human right has been on my mind a lot lately, and I wrote about some of my conflicting thoughts in my previous posting “When Man Is King.” Lately I have been pondering the complexities of the death of violent tyrants such as Osama Bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi. Some people think I am totally crazy for having any mixed feelings about the killings of such relentless horror-invokers. But my question remains: What makes one person more worthy of life than another? And who gets to choose?

by Susan Leem, associate producer

Symbol for human rightsThe Human Rights Logo Initiative chose Serbian artist Predrag Stakić’s entry as the winner of its competition to design the Universal Human Rights Logo.

“Free as a Man” evokes the peace dove and the five fingers of a hand reaching up to be counted and acknowledged. Have a look at the other finalists’ entries for more great concepts around this project.

I’m wondering how having a logo to represent universal human rights changes the way we think about that complex issue? What gets lost in translation when reducing an international struggle to one logo? Is this image able to function, as Utne Reader suggests, as “a new peace symbol?”