“We’re not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again.”
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.”
A lot of you don’t know that I am a student getting my Masters degree in Professional Counseling. But I am. :)
I started thinking about this when I was in college and met someone who worked with International Justice Mission with women who were being sex trafficked…in the USA. I couldn’t believe that it was happening so close to me. And it shook me to my core.
I attend Biblical Theological Seminary, which has a uniquely practical and thorough masters program in counseling with a focus on Trauma training. This January, Biblical is beginning a Global Trauma Recovery Institute and I am applying. Counseling trauma survivors requires training, but we can all be part of the healing in one way or another.
I wanted to post this video because I feel like it’s good for all of us to remember how prevalent this problem is, and how easy it is to fall into it. I am currently counseling at a center where there are many women who have been trafficked. It is happening in North Philadelphia, only a few miles from my house.
For those interested in anti-trafficking media, you might check out this almost 4 minute animated movie about woman in Africa lured into a sex trafficking trap.
Warning: while it contains no graphic visual material, the content of the video may still be triggering for some.
((Thanks, Phil Monroe for the video.))
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, This is the way, walk in it.”
great question.
my best girl. she is so talented.
“A brush with the devil clears the mind and strengthens the spine.”
I keep doing it,
accidentally preferring “enviable” over “faithful”.
“Some people will never understand / the kind of superpower it takes for some people to just walk outside… I watched a dandelion lose its mind in the wind / and when it did, it scattered a thousand seeds. / So the next time I tell you how easily I come out of my skin, / don’t try to put me back in, / just say, Here we are together at the window aching for it to all get better.”
“Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”
the world broke my heart, all at once.
he is still dead. no matter what I try.
storms come when everything you love is half a nation away.
dads that make their children touch them, making slaves.
and I cried in a ball on the bathroom floor of a stranger’s home.
it’s almost so much I can’t breathe under it.
but he is here.
he died and didn’t stay dead.
he quieted the storm.
he makes all things new.
he weeps.
he breathes for me when I cannot.
If only
I lacked shame and could just pour myself into a fit of honest tears at any second and just let go…
“I want to be able to sleep in an open field, to travel west, to walk freely at night.”