
Episode 47: The good, the bad, the ugly

Episode 47: The good, the bad, the ugly

Don't we often forget to equate disunity and silencing of one another's stories? I've been thinking a lot lately (and teaching on) trauma, suffering, and telling our stories in truthful, helpful ways. This episode centers around how sharing our pain creates unity in the body of humans. Come join the conversation.

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Episode 40: The "suck it up" paradox

Episode 40: The "suck it up" paradox

Ever go through something difficult and your first impulse was to "suck it up"? We all have had those moments. Come explore important questions about what happens when we "suck it up," and how when we think we're burying something, we're actually doing quite the opposite. Join the conversation!

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Episode 21: If the Whole World Were a Foot

Episode 21: If the Whole World Were a Foot

Too often we think our gifts and unique qualities are not "enough" simply because those with whom we share community do not also possess those qualities and gifts. We don't blend. We stick out like a sore thumb, perhaps. Yet variety and diversity is exactly what we all need. Come join this conversation, examining and challenging the ways in which you might judge certain gifts and qualities as less-than when perhaps "different" is what we were created to be.

Email anytime!