
Episode 57: The Overview Effect of Dr. King

Episode 57: The Overview Effect of Dr. King

Dr. King's message of interconnectedness and "zoomed-out-ness" has just as much relevance if not more so today than it ever has. We are faced with incredible threats of division and separation from our fellow human beings that are based on fear, prejudice, and inexcusable ignorance. Today, as we celebrate the life and passions of Dr. King, let's intentionally bring our awareness to his overview of humanity and how crucially interconnected we all actually are.

Episode 24: What We Share

Episode 24: What We Share

About 10 years ago I read an article on quantum entanglement. You don't have to know anything about science to find this concept amazing on a very practical level. In the way two particles live in a relational holism no matter what distance apart they are (and we're talking light years), so we humans have these things about us that are the same. The closer we move to the "center" of the human experience, the more unified we realize we actually are. On the other hand, the closer we move to "center," the riskier it becomes to be exposed with another.

As I respond to a listener's questions about some previous episodes, buckle up for this ride where we explore the beauty of unified diversity and the experiences we all share yet shy away from...well, sharing. Come join the conversation!

Keep the emails coming, people. lifeinthewhirlwind@gmail.com