
Episode 35: Love's Accountability

Episode 35: Love's Accountability

Last week, we talked about how love sees. Love itself and those who choose to love us see all the parts of us – those parts we find beautiful and those we find fearsome. This week join the conversation as it takes a shift toward the accountability of love, which is one quality that makes it quite unique. Particularly in light of the tragic demonstrations this weekend in Charlottesville, VA, it's time to talk about the accountability love invites.

Excerpt from John Pavlovitz's blog entry from yesterday can be found here: Yes, This is Racism.

Put some love out into the world, all. The world needs more light. xoxo

Episode 26: Lizard vs Human

Episode 26: Lizard vs Human

On the front page of my website I have a line that says "Don't merely survive...FLOURISH." I started this entire project as a result of observing how often we survive, and how rarely we actually flourish as we were created to. While the survival part of our brains is a virtuous gift when a bear is chasing us, there is something so much more expansive and generative that is always available to us.

In this 6 month anniversary episode (!!!!) I have a tender, loving invitation for you, my dear friends. Come check it out. Much love and happy anniversary!

Email me! What has this 6 months meant to you, personally? What do you want more of? What visiting voice are you dying to hear (or hear again)? Send your emails to

Episode 18: The Mischief of the Shadow Self

Episode 18: The Mischief of the Shadow Self

Acknowledged or not, we all have these parts of ourselves that we banish to the shadows – believing that if others saw these parts, we would be rejected and shamed. But consider this: have you ever seen more good than harm come from leaving things in the dark places?

In this natural follow-up to Episode 17 on the value of being seen and known, Episode 18 proposes in detail why being seen and known may actually start and end with knowing thyself. Some think of this as narcissistic and navel-gazing and distracting from truly valuable things that need attention; but I would argue that it is far more mischievous (dare I say dangerous) to not be aware of that parts of you that lie in the shadow.

Pour a cup of tea (or whatever it is that you drink when you listen to these episodes) and come join the conversation! It's nothing without you.

Email me your thoughts, your other possible scenarios (you'll get this reference when you listen to the episode), or whatever else is on your mind and heart –