
Episode 59: Life as practice | visiting voice: Caleb Cliff

Episode 59: Life as practice | visiting voice: Caleb Cliff

For this episode my friend Caleb Cliff joins me to talk about 5 questions regarding how we might see life as practice, not mastery. In addition to some enjoyable conversation, make sure you hear our cool announcement at the end of the episode. Not to mention the global debut of one of Caleb's original songs, "Para" (written specifically for this episode, you all are the first to lay ears on it!). Come join this stimulating conversation as well as talk of future plans.

We'd love to hear what YOU are hungry and thirsty for. What do you want to learn more about? What do you feel you've lost that you'd love to find again? What have you always wanted to know more of? What kinds of things rekindle your inner fire that could be shared in a co-learning community? Please share your heart's passions with us so we can consider this for our upcoming ventures that we'll be planning to bring to you all very soon. Leave a comment in this episode at It will help us so much, thank you!

Episode 27: Be careful not to decide how this is going to go

Episode 27: Be careful not to decide how this is going to go

A big part of practicing non-attachment is being careful to not decide how things are going to go (in any direction). Often our negative anticipations become self-fulfilling prophecies. Come join this conversation on how to balance anticipation with openness.

Keep the emails coming!

Episode 16: A Teeny Tiny Introduction to Non-Attachment

Episode 16: A Teeny Tiny Introduction to Non-Attachment

I don't know about you, but I think it's so nice to have vocabulary for what we experience in everyday human life. One of the things we experience is attachments to certain outcomes. But there is a lot of value (ancient value, I would daresay) in practicing choice and action while also practicing the release of outcomes. In this first episode of many (I hope) on non-attachment, we scratch the surface of non-attachment, its value to bring us into more whole versions of ourselves, and its ability to help us flourish. (That's a good idea, hmm?) Come join the conversation!

Thanks for all your emails. Keep them coming. I'm treasuring each one and compiling them for a future episode I hope to do on listener emails! Email me at

Episode 11: Don't Hold Onto Me

Episode 11: Don't Hold Onto Me

In this season of considering losses, I've found myself asking: Why do we cling to what we cling to? It makes sense that we hold on, but what is actually happening when we do? In this episode we also explore & consider why we end up needing to release where we are being invited to release (even though yes, it is absolutely excruciating to do so), and what often happens to us when we do let go. Come join the conversation.

Want to join the conversation more deeply? Email your comments, questions, answers to the invitation questions, etc to I'd love to hear from you, and maybe even consider engaging your thoughts, questions, and insights in future episodes! Come really join the conversation!

Episode 9: Different Ways of Seeing

Episode 9: Different Ways of Seeing

Have you ever looked at something so many times that you stopped seeing it? Or have you ever been looking for your keys frantically, then suddenly you look down and they've been there the whole time? These are just simple examples of how there are different ways of seeing. In this episode we explore a lot of examples of how this might happen for you, how media and marketing appeals to certain ways of seeing, and how attachment to seeing things certain ways can deeply limit our development as people in the world. Come join the conversation, and hear a beautiful song that drives it home at the end.