
Episode 54: Releasing Meditation

Episode 54: Releasing Meditation

Christmas can be hard. We often slip back into old relational patterns with family and old friends. We can forget who we truly are, who we've become as we've journeyed deeper into wholeness. This is not permanent, of course, but it can be discouraging. Today's episode (Happy Christmas!) is a meditation that will hopefully help you re-center, moving closer back to your True Self in the midst of this holiday season. You are loved, my friends.

Episode 16: A Teeny Tiny Introduction to Non-Attachment

Episode 16: A Teeny Tiny Introduction to Non-Attachment

I don't know about you, but I think it's so nice to have vocabulary for what we experience in everyday human life. One of the things we experience is attachments to certain outcomes. But there is a lot of value (ancient value, I would daresay) in practicing choice and action while also practicing the release of outcomes. In this first episode of many (I hope) on non-attachment, we scratch the surface of non-attachment, its value to bring us into more whole versions of ourselves, and its ability to help us flourish. (That's a good idea, hmm?) Come join the conversation!

Thanks for all your emails. Keep them coming. I'm treasuring each one and compiling them for a future episode I hope to do on listener emails! Email me at